Club History In Photos
Thanks to Charlie Webster, a large collection of photos from our club's past became available and sharing with everyone seemed like the best thing that could be done with them. Our hope is that while you enjoy the photos, you may see something or someone you recognize.
If you can help us pin point a date or year, see something or someone familiar, please share with us to complete the "picture", please feel free to send that information in an email to the editor at
1937-1957 Club Range Shooting and Organized Events.
This range was located near the Pensacola Airport

The range was located near the Pensacola Airport, currently occupied by Pensacola State College.
The next few photos detail activities at the range when the club operated on loaned land which was later donated to become Pensacola Junior College (renamed Pensacola State College), which opened in 1957.
1. Pistol Range in the 1940s
Notice how these pistol matches would held in the open with no cover from the sun. Must have been a pretty warm place in the summer.

2. Pistol Match 1950s
Does anyone know who these men are?

3. Possibly Early Fiesta of Five Flags Match Winners
This photo unfortunately had no details. If you can help, please let us know.

4. Smallbore Rifle Match
In the foreground is Dr. Nathan "Nat" Arenson.

5. Members get together for a weekend shoot, July 7, 1950

Back Row left to right: Leo C. Howe, ___________________, ___________________, Nat Arenson and Jack Battle, Front Row left to right: A.C. Derthick, ___________________, Donald Davidson, Carlos Murr, S.M. Pass. Young boy: Tommy Howe.