Our Ranges
A single concrete, covered firing line was built in the early 1980s with walls separating the different ranges. As we grew, two additional firing lines were built to offer more opportunities. This tour will take you in order from where our range appears on our road to the opposite end. Then we will look at our silhouette range which is located on a different area on our property.
All of our facilities are maintained by the membership, we have scheduled workdays on the third Saturday.
Bobby Kahn Memorial Rifle Range

The Bobby Kahn Memorial Range features our farthest rifle distance at 300 yards. The range has a sighting area at 25 yards, positions at 100, 200 and 300 yards.
There are fixed position benches on the concrete slab and fixed target areas at the prescribed distances.

Bobby Kahn was one of the original members of the Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club. He encouraged the development of the longer distance ranges at the present location. He was also the guarantor for the purchase of the northern forty acre plot.
He was active in the work needed to have the ROTC air rifle matches, originated by Bill Dufner. When Bill could no longer continue, Bobby took over and made all the financial arrangements for the trophies and medals and provided the snacks and the soft drinks for those annual matches. He worked with youth programs and DCM competitions. He participated in big bore and small bore competition. He coached several JROTC Rifle teams. He encouraged shooting sports for everyone, but especially for young people; he encouraged young people in the area of arms collecting.
General Purpose Plinking Range

The "Plinking Range", as it is generally called, has two sections. The first section has a backstop at 10 yards for close shooting while the second section has a backstop at 25 yards.

This range allows members to shoot paper targets in traditional target stands or plastic bottles and aluminum cans like a shooting gallery. By far this range is one of our most popular for family outings and teaching people new to firearms about shooting safely.

Nat Arenson Memorial Pistol Range

The Bullseye range is what the rest of the facilites were built around since our first formal location in the 1940s. NRA Conventional Pistol matches were held just about every Saturday.
Quite rare to find these days and the only one of it's type within three hours of Pensacola, the Bullseye range features 46 firing points with fixed target positions at 50 yards and turning target frames at 25 yards. Targets for this range are available for minimal cost at the range.

Dr. Nathan “Nat” Arenson is a name that everyone in our club should know when it comes to our history. He was instrumental in the formation of the club we know today by working to obtain our charter with the NRA in the 1940s. He was club president from 1950-1957. He saw our club move from the Osceola area to the property where Pensacola State College is now located, then to Cantonment near the paper mill and finally our current location.
Nat was also the match director for the Fiesta of Five Flags Pistol Tournament which grew from 15 people in 1952 to as many as 250 during the 1960s – 1970s.
His pistol shooting ability was described by Earl Bowden in an article written in 1958 describing “hundreds” of medals that formed a backdrop for the interview. Nat told Bowden that his true desire was to see more juniors participate in events and learn how to safely use firearms.
100/200 Yard Rifle Range

The rifle range is split in half with a backstop at 100 yards and another at 200 yards. This range also features moveable benches allowing members to shoot from a bench, standing, sitting or prone. Standard 200 yard rifle targets are available in the block house.
The 100 yard side uses respositional targets stands for firing at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. The 200 yard side has 18 permanent target stands at 200 can be used by members and competitions.

Five Station Trap Range

The shotgun range has five stations and is equipped with a voice activated electric trap machine, when the machine is not active, a recently revitalized manual trap thrower is available.

Rimfire 50 Yard Range

This dedicated rimfire range has several stable concrete benches with a fixed target line ready to receive a paper targets mounted on cardboard backers. Tucked away on the west edge of our property.

Harry Stover 200 Meter Silhouette Range

This dedicated pistol silhouette and rimfire range has several stable benches and is tucked away toward the west edge of our property. Swinging targets are positioned at 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 meters. No 17 HMR or centerfire rifle cartridges are allowed on this range unless approved by the match director.
Other Facilities
We also have full restrooms at each end of the range, a small clubhouse with cold drinks for sale, a kitchen that is used for special events and a BBQ pit for cookouts.
Block houses have cardboard backers and targets for available at minimal cost.