Club History In Photos: 1980-1999
Thanks to Charlie Webster and Dr. Nathan Arenson, a large collection of photos from our club's past became available and sharing with everyone seemed like the best thing that could be done with them. Our hope is that while you enjoy the photos, you may see something or someone you recognize.
If you can help us pin point a date or year, see something or someone familiar, please share with us to complete the "picture", please feel free to send that information in an email to the editor at
The New Home Range Facilty
The electric target system which was built at the Beck's Lake Range location was moved and reassembled on the new bullseye pistol range. This range was built first with the 100 and 200 yard rifle ranges being added next. The oral history says that we were able to contact the US Navy Seabees to come and build the ranges with their heavy equipment. It was considered a training exercise because of the earth moving required.
The photos of the range presented here are from an unknow date, but demonstrate what was built on that 40 acres. The new range was a single covered firing line with a rifle range, pistol range and recreational range. Other amenities included modern restrooms and a kitchen with serving window.
The Pistol Range
The Rifle Range
The test tunnel was a 50 yard shooting area that allowed shots to be fired without wind or other elements. This feature was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan and was not rebuilt.