Rimfire Benchrest
22 benchrest is fired Friday mornings year round (weather permitting) and fourth Saturday (no match is held on the Friday before the fourth Saturday)
Starts at 10 a.m. during standard time and 9 a.m. during daylight saving time.
We are now shooting on one Saturday a month in order to allow those that have commitments during the week to participate in our competitions. If sufficient interest is generated we will shoot on additional Saturdays. We welcome anyone interested and will assist in familiarizing them with the competition. We use the the ARA (American Rimfire Association) rules and targets.
Match Director: Tim Smith, 850.994.1638; Contact via email here.
Location: the .22 rimfire range which is located past the 200 yard rifle range and trap range. Follow the road just past the trap range, the rimfire range will be on the right facing north.
Match Fees: Match Fee $5.00, 2 target match, except for the last Friday of each month cost is $10.00 for a 4 target match.
Course of fire: 25 bulls per target. Using the American Rimfire Targets and rules.
Need to bring: 22 cal. rifle, rest, and ammo.
Several years ago our Club had an air rifle group with regular competitions and a dozen regular members. When age and attrition gradually reduced the number of participants, they decided to convert to a more modern format using .22 Long Rifle as the standard. Many people own a rifle that could compete and we welcome Club members to join us. Our group decided to setup for ARA (American Rimfire Association) and use their targets.
Check out: www.americanrimfire.com ARA standards specify that targets are placed at exactly fifty yards from the benchrest. The target sheets contain 25 frames for record plus additional frames designated for sighters only (target frames are 2" square). Each frame is an individual target. A participant may fire unlimited sighters in the sighter frames, but only 1 shot is allowed on each of the 25 for record frames in a time limit of 20 minutes.
For scoring, take a look at the targets below.

In Frame 1 the hole breaks the line between the 50 and 100 and in this discipline this scores as a 50. The lower score is used since the line has been completely broken (Also note the poor defenseless love bug that decided to crawl across the paper above frame 2). Frame 2 is clearly a 100 score since it is inside the circle. Most participants choose to use single shot bolt action rifles because of their inherent accuracy over semiautomatic rifles.

The tiny targets also require a scope for lining up the shots. Front or rear rifle rests can be sandbags, but many use easily adjustable mechanical rests. A solid front and rear rest are critical to line up a good shot in benchrest. Benchrest is a precision shooting sport. A good example of the shooting required is that the shooter must hit a dime from half a football field then continue hitting the same hole in the dime several times.
Then the wind blows, which affects a .22 bullet quite a bit, even at 50 yards. A wind of five miles per hour can move the bullet almost a half inch at the point of impact! Wind devices placed down range help with the wind reading. Want a challenge? Come out to the Club’s rimfire range, bring your scoped .22LR rifle and some sandbags to give it a try!