Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club

NRA Precision Pistol

75th Anniversary Logo pensacola rifle match

Our Affiliations

nra logo cmp logo fssa logo

Founded in the 1920s and chartered by the NRA in 1945, Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club
has grown from humble beginnings to a premier shooting location in Escambia County, Florida.

Celebrating Over 75 Years of Marksmanship Excellence

special 75th Anniversary Logo with rifle, pistol and shotgun represented

In 2020, Pensacola Rifle & Pistol Club celebrated a milestone recognizing 75 years as chartered by the NRA in the 1940s. Although we can trace our history back to the 1920s-30s and four different range locations, we have not forgotten our past and aim to create not just a location to shoot, but a destination for sport and recreational shooting.

Our Club has always been totally dedicated to the preservation of constitutional right of the people to keep and bear arms. We are a 100% NRA Club and membership is required for membership in our club.

Our facility is a private shooting range available for the use of our membership and their guests. However, we hold several sport shooting events every month. Membership is not required to participate in any of our club's shooting sports.

NRA Precision Pistol

900 and 2700 Programs

Our club has 45 firing points on a single firing line. The 50 yard slow fire strings use fixed targets while all 25 yard shooting takes place on our electronically timed turning target system.

These matches are a tradition at our club, and present the ultimate challenge in handgun shooting. In Precision Pistol, all firing is done using one hand with the targets set up at 50 and 25 yards. Iron sights or optics are allowed. It is a true test of mind over matter requiring a complete and focused shot thought path with each shot. Lining up the shot on target, breaking the shot and follow produce successful shots.

It's not witchery, but it is good mental discipline.

They also feature a lot of pistol shooting with very little downtime. If you like shooting pistols, these matches could very well be for you.

pistol range turning targets at 25 yards

The 900 Pistol Match

Match Directors: Grady Hartsfield and Jack Loughridge

Time: 8:30 a.m., every Thursday (weather permitting)

This match is a tradition at our club, and presents the ultimate challenge in handgun shooting. In Precision Pistol, all firing is done using one hand with the targets set up at 50 and 25 yards. Iron sights or optics are allowed. It is a true test of mind over matter requiring a complete and focused shot thought path with each shot. Lining up the shot on target, breaking the shot and follow produce successful shots.

It's not witchery, but it is good mental discipline.

The 900 Pistol Match is a 90 round match (900 points) that will test your skills with a handgun at 25 and 50 yards.

The 900 aggregate match is also split into four sub-matches; Slow Fire, the National Match Course, Timed Fire and Rapid Fire.

Any .22 rimfire or centerfire .32 caliber and larger may be used. Our Pistol Directors run this match efficiently and will keep you on your toes for around 1 hour and 15 minutes!

Match Fee: Free! However, one must bring their own target supplies (available at the range for a low cost) Come early enough to get set up and ready to start firing at 9:30am sharp.

pistol target with decent group and 1911 type pistol

The 900 Match Course of Fire:

Slow Fire

50 yards slow fire, 10 rounds, 10 minute time

50 yards slow fire, 10 rounds, 10 minute time

The National Match Course:

50 yards slow fire, 10 rounds, 10 minute time

25 yards timed fire, 10 rounds (two magazines of 5 rounds, 20 seconds each)

25 yards rapid fire, 10 rounds (two magazines of 5 rounds, 10 seconds each)

Timed Fire

25 yards timed fire, 10 rounds (two magazines of 5 rounds, 20 seconds each)

25 yards timed fire, 10 rounds (two magazines of 5 rounds, 20 seconds each)

Timed Fire

25 yards rapid fire, 10 rounds (two magazines of 5 rounds, 10 seconds each)

25 yards rapid fire, 10 rounds (two magazines of 5 rounds, 10 seconds each)

Aggregate of all individual matches above.

female shooting precision pistol with a 1911 style pistol

2700 Pistol Match

This match is currently not being held.

The NRA 2700 Pistol Match, is a 3 X 900 match for a total of 270 rounds and 2,700 possible points. The course of fire is the same as the above 900 match except it is fired three times using three pistol different pistol categories.

.22 Rimfire Pistol
Only rimfire pistols may be fired during this match.

Center Fire Pistol
.32 caliber and larger pistols may be fired during this match. This match is popular with revolver shooters.

Lunch Break

.45 Caliber Pistol
Many use 1911 style pistols, but any .45 caliber pistol may be used.

Aggregate of all individual matches above.

Don't have three pistols? No problem, many people bring a rimfire and a .45 which they fire for the center fire and .45 matches.

Don't have time for three matches? You are welcome to shoot one match or two getting in a rimfire and center fire being completed by lunch.

The NRA has classification system is designed to assure that similar skill lever shooters compete with each other, so those with less experience compete with shooters in the same class and similar skill levels. Brand new competitors, who are unclassified, will shoot with the Master class as an "Unclassified Master". After the first match, a temporary class will be applied base the score of the first match.

High Master: 97% and above
Master: 94.00 to 96.99
Expert: 89.00 to 93.99
Sharpshooter: 84.00 to 88.99
Marksman: Below 84.00

pistol on bench while competitors score targets

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