Check Here First When Making Plans
When a special event, activity or workday event comes up, we'll try to have it posted here.
Pensacola Rifle & Pistol Club is using 2020 to celebrate a milestone recognizing 75 years as chartered by the NRA in the 1940s. Although we can trace our history back to the 1920s-30s and four different range locations, we have not forgotten our past and aim to create not just a location to shoot, but a destination for sport and recreational shooting.
Our Club has always been totally dedicated to the preservation of constitutional right of the people to keep and bear arms. We are a 100% NRA Club and membership is required for membership in our club.
Our facility is a private shooting range available for the use of our membership and their guests. However, we hold several sport shooting events every month. Membership is not required to participate in any of our club's shooting sports.
When a special event, activity or workday event comes up, we'll try to have it posted here.
The Pensacola Rifle and Pistol Club (hereinafter "Club") is a 501(c.) (7) tax exempt club, organized primarily for pleasure, recreation, commingling and other nonprofitable purposes of its members. Substantially all of its activities are for such purposes and no part of the net earnings of the Club inure to the benefit of any private shareholder. As such, the utilization of club facilities to conduct personal business by any member, including, but not limited to, classes for license/permit preparation or training, is strictly prohibited as a level 1 violation of Club rules. Any such activity will, upon discovery, subject the member to Club disciplinary procedures. However, no portion of this rule shall be construed to restrict occasional (non-dealer) private sales activities between member and other members or guests, including demonstrations/test of salable items by members.